How to search including children and parent blocks

What I’m trying to do

Search including parent blocks

For example, I want to search for all the todos related to my [[Personal]] blocks.

Imagine this daily note:

- [[Work]]
  - [[Some Project]]
    - [ ] Some work-related task

- [[Personal]]
  - [ ] Some personal task

When I search for

"- [ ]" [[Personal]]
// or
section:("- [ ]" [[Personal]])

It shows me the pages where I have both - [ ] and [[Personal]], which is not useful because a page like this appears and it doesn’t contain personal todos:

- [[Work]]
  - [[Some Project]]
    - [ ] Some task

- [[Personal]]
  -  Other content

When I search for

line:("- [ ]" [[Personal]])
// or
block:("- [ ]" [[Personal]])

It doesn’t bring anything because it doesn’t search the parent blocks.

Search including children

I have a similar problem when I’m searching for blocks with children.

Imagine I want to search for all the tasks where I mention a John.

- [[Work]]
  - [[Some Project]]
    - [ ] I need to do some task 
      - [[Marie]] will help me with this
      - [[John]] will help me with that

When I search for

"- [ ]" [[John]]

There is no way to get all the task blocks with children blocks mentioning [[John]], even if I use line, section or block.

This type of search was common for me when using LogSeq, and I’d love to do it in Obsidian.

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