How to query callout text inside next daily note?

Hi there, sorry for bothering you, but I have an issue.

I have a callout on my daily note like that :

[!INFO]+ Action Plan

  • Goal 1 :
  • Goal 2 :
  • Goal 3 :

It features an Action Plan for tomorrow.

On the next daily note, I have a dataview snipnet that is supposed to query this previous callout onto my new daily note. But it doesn’t work

It worked with sections, and now I’m using callouts. I don’t know what to change and I’m quite a noob. If you have any idea… I already tried using .callout instead of .section but it doesn’t work like that it seems.

[!TODO]+ Today’s Goals

TABLE WITHOUT ID L.text As "Today's Goals"  
FROM "-Daily-Notes"   
FLATTEN file.lists As L  
WHERE meta(L.section).subpath="Action Plan" and "2023-05-02"  

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