Thank you for your response! I appreciate your suggestion and the time you took to help me.
I understand that adding another Heading 2 at the same level would solve the issue, but I would prefer not to add an extra heading if possible.
Are there any other ways to prevent the line from being included in the heading?
In my understanding, headings work like sections in non-markdown word processors. So unless you designate a different heading, the lines below a heading will be a part of that section 1. unless there is another heading 2. the file ends.
I also don’t need to pepper my texts with many headings because that would probably entail restructuring my entire text and would put pressure on me to come up with a fitting name for the extra heading.
I usually just ignore these problems. There will be some additional lines above my footnotes block that do not come under the last heading. The trick is not to overuse the heading folding, I guess…
Do you mean you want it to align underneath the last bullet?
## Languages
- Query languages (for example, SQL for querying and manipulating data)
- Programing languages (for example, Python for developing data applications)
- Shell and Scripting languages (for repetitive operational tasks)
use to collect, store, clean, analyze, and mine the data for analysis.
If yes, the alignment might only look right in reading mode:
It’s going to come down to personal preference, mostly if the look of it bothers you in the editor or not (Reading view looks fine), but you can use blank/empty headings to end a section. e.g.
## Languages
- Query languages (for example, SQL for querying and manipulating data)
- Programing languages (for example, Python for developing data applications)
- Shell and Scripting languages (for repetitive operational tasks)
use to collect, store, clean, analyze, and mine the data for analysis.
## I’m interested in Obsidian
First of all, tell me a little bit about what's your experience with note-taking apps like?
Never knew of this zero-character title for heading workaround bit (single space workarounds I’ve seen elsewhere in computing, though).
Looks a little bit messy* but does the job.
Handy when one wants to embed the last heading block of a file in another file; this way you can indeed have control of the exact block length.
For example, if you have index lines at the bottom, such as: [[_ComputerStuff Dashboard|CompStuff]] / **[[Zotero Resilio Sync]]**, you can add a ## above this line to mark the end of Heading2 level block above it. So this index line will not appear in the other file.
* The messiness is also seen when you want to link to this Zotero Resilio Sync file (of mine) with [[Zotero Resilio Sync#]], as the pop-up will offer that zero character heading as Heading.