How to make it faster to capture new notes in Obsidian mobile? I wish the app could just load under a second and I could get writing

Things I have tried

Using microsoft todo or Google keep for quick capture.

What I’m trying to do

Capture fleeting ideas and save it in my Obsidian vault as a separate .md file or in my Daily note, in under a second or less

Or, get my Obsidian to boot up < 1s on my phone (which has syncthing)

It would be so cool if Obsidian had a ‘quick add’ widget just like microsoft to do. One click and anything I want to type goes in my daily note as a bullet, or a new page if desired.

This wouldn’t be necessary if Obsidian app opened under a second, but every time I open obsidian on my phone after 10-15m it shows the annoying ‘loading cache, plugin, etc’ page for me. I am using syncthing and I suspect it has something to do with it.

Is there a markdown editor for android with a quick capture widget that can create .md files in my Obsidian vault?

Right now, I am using the ‘Quick add’ in microsoft todo feature-- which is quick. I can swipe down and click a widget and type any ideas. But shifting it from microsoft’s app to obsidian is a dull job & I tend to never get to it.
Also, I wish to keep Microsoft todo for capturing tasks or things to do & my Obsidian vault for capturing ideas. So this is really not ideal.

Any help in making this Capture process faster would be appreciated!

Edit: I tried Markor and its a great upgrade from what I’ve been doing so far.

It doesn’t have a Notification widget that I can add to my Notification widgets (along with Wifi, bluetooth, etc) though.

Does anyone know any markdown app that has one?

I’m doing this with the Todoist Lock Screen widget to quick add tasks and Ideas (denoted by @Idea). I use the todoist sync plugin which pulls based on tag and date into daily note. Takes 1 second to load and is the lowest friction I’ve found


Great idea @compg. I just set that up as well. I think it will stick, at least for a while. [[linking]] works as well, which is nice.

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