How to Install CSS snippets

Here’s an easy way to show that hidden folder:

1 - In Obsidian… go to Preferences > Appearance > CSS-Snippets (at the bottom).

  • Turn the snippets switch to “On”.
  • Click the little folder icon :open_file_folder: above the switch. A popup will appear (that popup is the folder /vault/.obsidian/snippets/).

2 - Drag your snippets.css file into that popup window.

DONE! :beer:

Your CSS file is now located at /vault/.obsidian/snippets/snippets.css.

  • You can open your CSS file in any text editor [like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)] - (a CSS file is just a text file).
  • You can add/change styles in that CSS file.
  • New changes are automatically pulled in by Obsidian, any time you save the snippets.css file.