How to find a list of fields used for dataview purposes

I have a partial table set up with most the data I wanted, mostly based on the amazing @EleanorKonik 's comment that included information on how she set up views on her current book projects.

So I’ve edited the frontmatter a bit and am using this template now:

seriesName: The Sub Shop

For the query, I’ve used almost the same thing as Eleanor’s

table chapter, location, charactersIncluded, charactersMentioned 
from "" 
where (seriesName = "The Sub Shop") AND (chapter != "00") sort chapter asc

But I need to figure out how to exclude one listed page and I’d love to exclude chapters that don’t have an actual chapter listed (ie I’m still moving some content around). I still want to just have a list of all the values attached to a given field/variable.