How to Extract a Discourse Topic into Obsidian

Nice idea! I think it would be extremely helpful. Check out this feature request: Ability to download a synced version of entire forum as vault

I also was trying to do something similar with all the release notes, attempting to keep track of some of the minor but quite helpful tricks that don’t make the front page of the help vault. I understand that not every way of accomplishing a task needs to be presented simultaneously in the help as it would be overload for beginners, but it wouldn’t hurt to have some sort of legacy index that tracked everything that is or was ever possible in the software. Like you said, Obsidian would be the best place to build such documentation.

Maybe, I should have set the request in the Plugins or Meta categories. Who knows, maybe someone will build a script and occasionally upload an updated vault of the forum to the forum or GitHub every once in a while. That would be awesome.
