How to do block referencing in Obsidian

Using H6 headers as blocks (albeit that can be a bit resource-intensive from what I recall).

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Block-level references for mathematical proofs:

Using header-level embeds:

Using CSS to make embeds inline:

Autohotkey script to create new notes based on selections:

How to add ā€œnakedā€ embeds

My current usage:
I have a text expander set up with a zettelkasten type date/time and an h6 followed by the date time.
I add text as desired either before the date/time or after - depending on how I envisage searching and preferred label.
I tend to use the pure date/time for new notes and the h6 one for blocks in a note.

This is quite sufficient for me. Unique names and links guaranteed. Most of the time I have no need for blocks, so I may not be typical of those who are interested in them.