How to create Links to new Notes with Zettelkasten Prefixer Addon?

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to create a link in a document to a not yet existing document by simply typing the [[]] syntax. However, the empty document I link to should be using a Zettelkasten Prefix, which I obviosouly not know yet when referring to a new document.

How can I create a link from within a document utilizing the Zettelkasten Prefixer addon feature?


I don’t believe that this exists at the moment, but it would certainly be handy. Creating a ‘branch’ of a thought, etc is not super easy.

What I’ve done is created a template that creates a link that uses the same format as the Zettelkasten prefix. My prefix is: YYMMDDHHmm- and I usually add a title after that, eg 2106221733-summer vacation thoughts

So I’ve got a template called “Zettelkasten Link” with the following in it:


I use that to create a link, I change the Title and LinkText as needed, and drill in to that link which will create a new document. The new document will not be in the Zettelkasten folder and, it will not have the Zettelkasten template, but, it’s the best I’ve got ATM.

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Thanks @roytruelove for sharing your approach. I’ll certainly give this a try.


@Bunjip: Another approach/workaround could be to use a text expander (like TextExpander or Beeftext). There you can create a snippet for the timestamp.

In Obisidian, use the snippet after [[ to insert the timestamp and complete the new “link” with your title if you want (e.g. [[202106231541 new note]].
Obsidian creates the file by clicking the link.

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Thanks, @Docs-Like-Code-Fan ! That sounds like a good workaround, too. May need to look for a text expander running on Ubuntu Linux, though.

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