How to color some words (without highlighter)

Hello, I already have the Highlightr plugin to color some words in the text.

The plugin is cool and even offers me several options: lowlight, foating, realistic, rounded.

But it doesn’t answer my need. I want to be able to color only the text without the highlighter over the text (just the text).

How to do it, please?

For the font itself, you can use inline HTML.

Copy the text below and use paste and match style or paste as plain text when pasting into an Obsidian note.

<font color="red">R</font> <font color="orange">A</font> <font color="yellow">I</font> <font color="green">N</font> <font color="blue">B</font> <font color="indigo">O</font> <font color="violet">W</font>

<font color="red">Richard</font>
<font color="orange">of</font>
<font color="yellow">York</font>
<font color="green">gave</font>
<font color="blue">battle</font>
<font color="indigo">in</font>
<font color="violet">vain</font>

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