How to change font?

Hello, @aalonso. Did you activate the snippet? If not, go to appearance. Under CSS Snippets, check the box to activate it. Hope that helped.

Hi, thanks for your answer. Yes, I activated the snippet and also restarted Obsidian. No results.

Assuming you have the stock Obsidian theme, try this:

:root {
--default-font: ‘Times New Roman’, serif;

Be sure to activate it. If it doesn’t work, then use !Important; after serif.


It worked, BUT I’m finding Times New Roman small. So, I’d tried to change to Palatino Linotype and it doesn’t work. Any ideas? One more thing: I’m using a theme called Blue Topaz (dark mode) and I like to keep the original fonts for everything (headings etc.) but the normal level text (the main text of the note). Is there a way to implement such a change?
Thanks once more.

There is a text size slider under the appearance tab you could use. However, each installable theme has its own CSS for making more minute changes. I’m not familiar with the options for Blue Topaz, although it’s a beautiful theme. Until you’re more comfortable editing CSS, perhaps you might consider something like “ITS Theme.” It has a considerable range of custom settings through the Style Setting plugin, including those necessary for making font size adjustments to your hearts content.

It worked with ITS theme (not with Blue Topaz). Thanks for your help and pacience.

Today I successfully changed the font using a custom CSS file. However, I had to resorted to use the “Toggle Developer Tools” to inspect the DOM.

With Obsidian default theme, to change the font:

/* Set fonts for both Edit and Preview mode
.view-content {
  font-family: 'Courier New', monospace !important;

.markdown-source-view {
  font-family: 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace !important;

.markdown-preview-view {
  font-family: Lora, sans-serif !important;

Please make sure that you activate the snippet under Settings > Appearance > CSS snippets.


thank you for sharing! for some reason, my old .css file to change font didn’t work.

A bit late to the party, but for people stumbling upon this thread:

I am using the solution provided by @Genzer

I found the serif fonts to be a bit too small as well and I scaled them up like so:

.markdown-preview-view {
  font-family: "TeX Gyre Pagella", sans-serif !important;
  font-size: calc(var(--editor-font-size) * 1.2);

In my case, this approx. matches the source editor font.


Great tips! But they don’t address inline code and code blocks. For a full monospace experience in the editor I ended up doing something like:

.markdown-source-view, .cm-inline-code, .HyperMD-codeblock {
    font-family: 'Azeret Mono' !important;
    font-size: var(--editor-font-size) !important;

It’s pretty disappointing having to go down to this level, though, and I’m expecting this to break with a future upgrade or a change of theme.


I want to change my obsidian font to “IRANSans” & I use “Farsi” for my docs but non of above solutions worked for me.
Farsi is a right to left language so does it make a difference?
When I use above solutions it changes the font but not to IRANSans, it changes to Times New Roman or Arial I think …!
Is there any way to solve this?

This worked for me! Just adding one other class for anyone else looking at this and wants consistency between other text elements :slight_smile:

Setting properties for the class .view-header-title will affect the text in the title above the editor pane.


.view-header-title {
 font-size: 14px;
 font-family: 'SF Mono', Menlo, Monaco, monospace;

This doesn’t seem to work anymore with the new editor with live preview. The font gets applied only if I check “use legacy editor” in the Editor setting.


anyone figure out what the new class is for live preview?



.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-scroller {
  font-family: 'Courier Prime Code', Menlo, 'iA Writer Mono V', 'iA Writer Duo V', Monaco, 'Courier Prime Code', monospace;


The following worked for me:

.markdown-source-view .cm-editor .cm-scroller {
  font-family: 'Cascadia Code', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace !important; 

Thank you. This worked for me too

Thank you so much for your help! Now my css snippet works with the stock theme!

Hello there!
I would like to organise with the headings but they are way too big, ant then take way to much space on a note.

So I would like to reduce the size of the headings. Maybe even change the Header one to Center rather than Align left.

Is there an easier way rather than go CSS ? ^^
Even if I get my hands dirty by getting help, is there a project to edit the font in an user friendly way in a future (or even a Plug-in) ?



Excellent fix. Thanks!