How to access data from `workspace:copy-path` in metabind

I would like to create a button with meta-bind, that allows me to create a note related to current note.

label: Work on this task
icon: pickaxe
hidden: false
class: ""
tooltip: Create a new note linked to this task
id: ""
style: primary
  - type: command
    command: workspace:copy-path
  - type: templaterCreateNote
    templateFile: Templates/
    folderPath: Notes
    fileName: "{{date}}"
    openNote: true
  - type: sleep
    ms: 10
  - type: updateMetadata
    bindTarget: task_note
    evaluate: false
    value: "{{ workspace:file_path}}"    -- here i don't know how to access the value

I use workspace:copy-path to get filename of the note the button is clicked from, and i would like to add it to new note metadata, but don’t know how to retrieve the value…

I found that I can use <% tp.config.active_file.path%> in my template using Templater plugin, to retrieve the original file name the action was ran from