How do you sync your vaults?

Yeah, those are the steps I originally took.

Are you closing out Obsidian on your other devices when you’re done w/ them? This is a PITA, but it seems to solve most of my issues.

Do you use the open to Daily Notes feature? The main issue I seem to have is moving from one device to another before iCloud has pushed or written a daily note, then the other machine generates one as soon as I open the app there.

Might need to stop using that feature and wait for the daily note to sync when switching machines.

If I open Obsidian to a note that is open on another machine, in a perfect world, I’d see a cursor there w/ that machine name/user. (similar to gDocs) even if it’s not 'real-time

I’ll try rebuilding these vaults from scratch in iCloud and see if that helps me at all.
