How do I work with Obsidian on Mobile?

Just because it was not mentioned yet. I am using Ulysses (the app) on my iPhone for editing and viewing my Obsidian notes. I set up an external sync folder in Ulysses where I store my notes. Obsidian uses the same folder as Vault. This folder is synced by iCloud.
This way I don’t have to open Obsidian while writing, but Ulysses will search within my Obsidian notes as well.
I think this only makes sense when already using Ulysses, because it’s seems kinda costly if you do not use it frequently.

An alternative would be iAWriter or 1Writer as already mentioned.


Do you know if it’s possible with android ?

I’ve been multiple hours into an issue and I’ve solved it. To spare others the hassle, hereby my answer to the issue I was having:

  • How do I use Obsidian on my Windows PC & can easily view and edit the notes, including the images, on my iPhone.

I had some nifty requirements:

  • All attachments (images, videos, pdfs) are in one folder (keeping the folders where notes are clean).
  • Usage of WebDav (not iCloud, Dropbox)
  • Image preview works smootly in iOS app
  • When I move notes around in Obsidian, the links shouldn’t break.

Short answer:
Disable Wikilinks and use Relative Path to file, see image below. Do this in combination with the app 1Writer.

Long answer, based on the list of Brett Terpstra of iPhone apps which support WebDav and suggestions I’ve came across in other places, I’ve tried the below apps, but none worked with the links which are the standard in Obsidian (wikilinks):

  • Notes Writer
  • Joplin
  • Paper
  • Drafts
  • Bear
  • Ulysses
  • Working Copy

1Writer also doesn’t work with WikiLinks as images, only when the image is in the same dir as the note. But one of my requirements was that I didn’t want that as folders become quite messy. If you use standard Markdown for all links, this also solves the issue 1Writer has with Piped links. It doesn’t look as neatly when editting, but to me, the major benefit of having access to my Obsidian Vault from my iPhone, is worth it.

If somebody else found another solution, I’m very curious!! :slight_smile:

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As the official app might take a while, is it perhaps worth it to mention it in the topicstart? It would have saved me multiple hours of trying apps, debugging, trying again :slight_smile:


Does anyone know what the status of the mobile (iOS) app is? I’d be interested in a TestFlight trial if/when it gets to that point.

In the meantime, I’m finding 1Writer excellent when content is shared from my Mac via iCloud.

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To answer my own question…


I’ve had some success committing my Obsidian vault to a git repository (gitblit which runs on Windows/Mac/Linux and is easy to set up) and syncing to iOS with the Working Copy git client. Working Copy creates a shared folder that can be opened by 1Writer or iA writer.

I’ve also experimented with using DEVONThink to index an Obsidian vault on a Mac and share that with DEVONThink To Go on iOS.


I’ve been using a combination of Termux, Vim and Github.
I used Termux to install both Vim and Github on my mobile.

Termux has a widget that allows to add bash scripts to home screen, so I wrote two simple bash scripts:

  1. One to open the vault (folder) with Vim (this way I have a quick access to all my notes)
  2. One to run git pull and push.

This last script runs whenever I leave the first one. So before I leave my notes it will synchronize them with Github.

And I found this wonderful blog post explaining how to configure Vim to enable reference jumping. So if I put the cursor above any [[reference]] all I have to do is press gf and Vim will open the file if it exists. If Vim doesn’t open it I know I’ll have to create it.

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Brilliant. Works fine. Thanks.

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Editorial is my choice,

  • work fine with dropbox, sync one folder in dropbox
  • support text search across all files( global searches)
  • support markdown toc jump
  • support markdown head folding
  • beautiful write/preview mode
  • support custom workflows, snippets, templates, and themes

I write markdown preview theme, You can get this theme here:


Any Android app that works with Onedrive? From what I have seen I cant see any supported apps yet, but I may have missed one. Thanks

edit - just found QuickEdit works with onedrive, as well as dropbox & google drive.

Can you change default file type from txt to md? Can’t find where to do this.

I don’t believe ACode has that options. But provokes a decent workaround, actually. A bit cumbersome. But a batch search & replace tool could easily rename all .md to .txt and back when needed.

It would also be cool if Obsidian was configurable to save as .txt file type instead.

Alas, none of this necessary now that Obsidian Mobile is here!!! :slight_smile:

With the Obsidian mobile app, those workarounds are no longer necessary.

The Obsidian mobile app is already available for Insiders, Supporters, and VIPs.
I have upgraded to Supporter just to get early access to the mobile app, but Insiders can get it as well.

I think the app will be released soon for everyone. The development team is great, and it’s working really fast (I’m glad I upgraded to a Supporter role).

Before that, I was using iA Writer on my iPad. iA Writer and Obsidian share the same vault in iCloud.

With the mobile app, you need to set a unique vault to Obsidian in iCloud.
Although iA Writer is a fantastic app, I no longer need it.


I wrote a web app that will work on any platform (mobile too), if you use Dropbox for syncing:

Source code:

It is completely client side and is hosted on GitHub pages. It supports Markdown, Org Mode, and plain text.


clicking your link @rpcm, I get a message that says: This app has reached its user limit. Contact the ap developer and ask them to us the Dropbox API App Console to increase their app’s user limit.

Sorry about that, I already applied for ‘production’ status on the app (which lifts the user limit) a while ago, but I guess Dropbox’s approval process is kind of slow!

Can you try one more time? Dropbox has not yet approved the app, but they did allow me to bump the user limit in the meantime. :upside_down_face:

Yes it does now: thank you @rpcm

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I’m using Taio app with working copy on iOS.

It support [[link]] syntax and click-navigation perfectly. It can see linked by files list and link files list.

And it can edit files in working copy

It’s a free app, unless if you want paid feature.

It support icloud sync now, and will add more sync options in the future.