How do I not have ``` above and below in code blocks, or at least have command shift A or command shift Down skip them

What I’m trying to do

Store code and then later copy and paste it


command shift a or command down (etc) doesn’t also copy the backticks
or, the backticks create a code block but don’t continue display afterwards (a la Dropbox Paper, Notion, all reasonable software)

Things I have tried

Various plugins, searching forum, this behavior sucks
I’d settle for seeing the backticks if I didn’t have to uncopy them everytime. is there a way? But I’d rather not see them at all, because that’s what I’m used to from all other software

figured it out, i wasn’t aware there was a separate reader view from editing view in Obsidian

Another trick is to store in another code block (with 4 backticks)

example code

This will let you directly copy the code+(3) back ticks by clicking the copy button

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