How do I make the cover image be on the leftmost column?

Things I have tried

table ("![coverimg|100](" + cover + ")") as Cover, category as "Category", length as "length", status as "status"
FROM #reference AND -#finished AND -#archived
SORT row.length 
[I can't format it in this website but I put a ``` here too]

What I’m trying to do

I want the cover image to be in the leftmost column and the file name to follow it in the second row. You know, like Goodreads.

Edit: Sorry I meant column

Use TABLE WITHOUT ID (capitalization does not matter, I just have a habit of capitalizing dataview keywords) to make the left column go away, then you can add it back in second if needed.

("![coverimg|100](" + cover + ")") AS Cover, AS "Note",
category as "Category", 
length as "length", 
status as "status"
FROM #reference AND -#finished AND -#archived
SORT row.length

Happy reading!

Thank you for your prompt reply and solution!

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