How can I sum up multiple columns in a Dataviewjs query?

What I’m trying to do

I would like to create a Table query with Dataview that displays the amounts of multiple things and at the bottom displays the total amount.
I saw an answer that seemed pretty good which uses dataviewjs with the following example:

const amounts = await dv.query(`
TABLE WITHOUT ID as Account, Amount, Payment_rate
WHERE file.folder = this.file.folder 
WHERE number(Amount)

if ( amounts.successful ) {
  const sum = amounts.value.values
    .map(a => a[1])
    .reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr, 0)

  amounts.value.values.push(["<span style='float: right'><strong>Total:</strong></span>", sum])
  dv.table(amounts.value.headers, amounts.value.values) 
  dv.paragraph("Total amount: " + sum)
} else
  dv.paragraph("~~~~\n" + amounts.error + "\n~~~~")

The result of that query would be the following (of course without the “Original query” part):

The Problem is that for my usecase I want to sum up multiple columns:

I’m trying to display a “Total” for each column and then a “Total amount” which is the sum of all the totals.

Things I have tried

I’ve tried to look more into dataviewjs but coding isn’t really transparent to me. Then I tried to play with the given example myself, but I couldn’t figure it out.

I’ve also tried to look up similar solutions with the normal Dataview, but they didn’t seem to do what I want. If there is a solution for Dataview, I would of course happily take that as well. It’s not important to me if the solution involves Dataview, or Dataviewjs or anything else, really.

Any help is appreciated.

I’m running out of daylight, and got too much to do before going to bed, but check out the last query in the answer below. There I do sum up multiple columns and add them as a separate row under the other columns.

Maybe it’ll help you on your way?

In this part:

Instead of selecting a single value using map, just delete that line and sum up the columns in the next line (columns 1 and 2, as numbering starts from zero):

  const sum = amounts.value.values
    .reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr[1] + curr[2], 0)
1 Like

Thank You! That definitely helped a lot!
But ideally I want to have a “Total” under each column and then the “Total amount” to display the sum of all the totals.

Your code helped me understand what I have to do roughly, and I think I could live with the current result, but there is one problem:

const sum = amounts.value.values
		.reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr[1], 0)

	const sum2 = amounts.value.values
		.reduce((tmp,curr) => tmp + curr[2], 0)

	const sum3 = amounts.value.values
		.reduce((tmp,curr) => tmp + curr[3], 0)

	amounts.value.values.push(["<span style='float: right'><strong>Total:</strong></span>", sum])

	amounts.value.values.push(["<span style='float: right'><strong>Total:</strong></span>", sum2])

	amounts.value.values.push(["<span style='float: right'><strong>Total:</strong></span>", sum3])

	dv.table(amounts.value.headers, amounts.value.values)
	dv.paragraph("Total amount: " + (sum + sum2 + sum3))
}   else 
	dv.paragraph("~~~~\n" + amounts.error + "\n~~~~")

As you can see I managed to get seperate Totals for each column and a Total amount that sums them up, but the totals are all just under the “Amount” column.
Is there a way to change their position to be under the “Amount2” and “Amount3” column.

But regardless of if I can get that last thing fixed, thank you for helping me!

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I did it. Try this

if ( amounts.successful ) {
  const sum1 = amounts.value.values
    .reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr[1], 0)
  const sum2 = amounts.value.values
    .reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr[2], 0)
  const sum3 = amounts.value.values
    .reduce((tmp, curr) => tmp + curr[3], 0)

  amounts.value.values.push(["<span style='float: left'><strong>Total:</strong></span>", sum1, sum2, sum3])

  dv.table(amounts.value.headers, amounts.value.values) 


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