How can I publish a canvas as a web page?

What I’m trying to do

I would like to be able to publish an interactive obsidian canvas that would allow anyone visiting my website/obsidian page to view the contents of the canvas and to navigate around, and ideally click through to the individual pages.
In essence, i want any viewer to be able to interact (passively) with my obsidian content.

Things I have tried

I thought it would be available via obsidian publish but that doesnt seem to be the case. I have also looked on reddit
I notice there is an obsidian roadmap item - Canvas Support for Publish. This may or may not be what i am looking for (i can’t see any more details). But it says Planned, so i’m guessing that realistically, that might mean 2026 or so, so i might be better looking for an alternative. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be incredibly helpful. thanks