I want get a tabel like below:
time progress question
2025-02-01 jingdu a1 wenti a1
2025-02-03 jingdu a2 wenti a2
note 2025-02-01 :
[[Customer A]]
progress::jindu a1
question::wenti a1
[[Customer B]]
progress::jingdu b1
question::wenti b2
note 2025-02-03:
[[Customer A]]
progress::jindu a2
question::wenti a2
[[Customer B]]
progress::jindu b2
question::wenti b2
Customer B and Customer A are independent md files.
my query is
TABLE WITHOUT ID "<nobr>" + file.link + "</nobr>" AS 日期,progress
FROM [[Customer A]]
FLATTEN list(filter(file.lists, (x) => meta(x.section).subpath="Customer A").text) as progress
How can I get two columns ( progess and question )?
The following is untested and written in the middle of the night:
"<nobr>" + origin[2] + "</nobr>" AS 日期,
nonnull(rows.itemProgress)[0] as progress,
nonnull(rows.itemQuestion)[0] as question
FROM [[Customer A]]
FLATTEN file.lists as item
FLATTEN item.progress as itemProgress
FLATTEN item.question as itemQuestion
FLATTEN meta(item.section).subpath as itemHeader
WHERE string(itemHeader) = "Customer A"
GROUP BY [file.name, itemHeader, file.link] as origin
The idea is to make groups based on each section in a file (allowing just one question per customer per daily note), and then use a little trickery to pull out the fields from the resulting rows lists.
Hopefully I’ve not made too many small typos, but the logic should be sound. A little worried whether the header being a link is causing any issues. If I get around to it I’ll test it during the day (at least 5-6 hours from now).
It works,too amazing.
I’m new to Obsidian, I originally thought that JavaScript was needed to solve this problem.
You’re so professional. Thank you very much. I need to study your code carefully. Later, I’ll add tags to classify the customer diaries, and then output the customer information of specific types.