Hover Preview for footnotes

It would be a great addition!


+1 for preview when hovering footnote

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+1 for footnote preview on hover!

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+1 I would love a hover preview!

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+1 for a footnote preview on hover

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+1 this is a great idea!

Reminds of a similar CSS proposal to have footnotes displayed as side notes. Another great way to fulfill the same function


This was the first hit when I was searching how to solve this :slight_smile:

+1 for this feature :+1:

looking forward this feature!

+1 to this feature request. It will be great to have a preview of footnote on hover.

Please cool it with further +1s. It’s discouraged in the FAQ, clogs up notifications and the thread in general.


+1 to this feature request.

Obsidian is Mind Processor! Hover Preivew for footnote is very excited feature. Please make more comfortable thinking room with it in Obsidian.


Hey, A new plugin for preview coming soon: GitHub - alx-plugins/better-fn


+1, and especially, please, make it work in Publish!

+1 for me too

Obsidian does not generate popover previews for footnote references, eg. [^name]

Footnotes belong to the footer and are ideal for Paper Books, ( and digital books) but digital technology should offer some advantages in addition to normal footnotes and show some preview


Would love to see this feature!

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Would love it!

There was a plugin for this, but it hasnt been maintained and i dont think it works very well anymore
Would love this to become an official featire