Horizontal line doesn't always render in lists in live previewg

The (---) notation in live preview is rendered as it is in reading view, a horizontal line, most of the time.
But when it is a list item not on the first indent level it stays text.

Here’s a gif of it in reading, then source, then preview mode.


Here’s the example text:

- text
- ---
- text
- text
	- text
	- ---
	- text
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Quite unusual. Please, Open a feature request for this.

I thought that it was unusual behaviour, therefore a bug. Why a feature request? Also, even if this has to be called a feature request, can’t just this post be turned into one?

A bug is something that is implemented and doesn’t work as expected. A feature request is something to be implemented. This isn’t implemented.

By that token I’d consider “horizontal lines in live preview” implemented, and this edge case as “something not working as expected”, making it a bug. But thank you for the clarification.

I can move this back to bug reports but this is going to be a low priority issue.

I converted from Evernote with Yarle. None of my note headers are showing in Live Preview, e.g.: they look just like below:

This is an unrelated issue to my post, please open a separate thread.

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A post was split to a new topic: Live Preview: Support horizontal line (hr) in list items

created a FR and closed this.

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