Hook & Obsidian: Hook-Link from Document to Note

This is a short guide for anyone who’s also using Obsidian for Hookmark notes (i.e. ⌃+H and ⌘+N).

Problem: The default logic of Hookmark does not create a hook-link between the document and the Obsidian note, so I’ve spent some time debugging the “New Item” script.

As a result, the new Obsidian note had a Markdown link pointing to the document, but the document had no indication or link to the obsidian note.

For me, the following setup solved the issue

  1. I’ve configured Hookmark to use the “hook://file” schema. It might work with other options, but I did not test it.
  2. Use a modified version of the “New Item” script.

The key element is the very last line, which originally was return "hook://link-to-new" - apparently this does not work. Using the Obsidian URL schema solved the problem: return "obsidian://hook-get-address"

→ If you also have any other Hook & Obsidian workflow tips or improvements, please share them with us

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