Here’s my setup (if you haven’t seen it already — programming is under my interests, because it’s not my major focus — newsletters and stories are).
- 00 Meta
- 01 Attachments (sometimes attachments wind up in other places, this isn’t a hard-and-fast “attachments only go here” thing)
- 02 Pending (for stuff I still need to process)
- 02.01 Personal (stuff I created on my eink tablet and need to type up, mostly)
- 02.02 PDFs TBR (this is where zotfile automatically sorts all of my PDFs to as soon as I download them while researching)
- 02.03 PDFs Underway (this is articles I’ve started reading but didn’t have time to finish for whatever reason).
- 02.04 Readwise (this is where the Readwise plugin dumps all of my highlights and stuff from Readwise, for processing)
- 02.05 Zotdumps (this is where the mdnotes-zotero workflow dumps my highlights from academic PDFs.
- 03 Structure (these are my meta-notes about how my vault is structured, and where I put my “example notes” for things like the Palatinate snippets)
- 04 Templates
- 05 Tools (I keep “index notes” about external tools for different workflows here, for example my “research tools” has Zotero and Unpaywall and such on it. I also have one for useful Obsidian plugins that get asked about a lot)
- 06 Tasking (todo lists)
- 07 Process (meta notes about notetaking, which I mostly try to avoid)
- 08 Platform (notes about marketing / branding / finding an agent / etc)
- 10 Dated
- 11 Daily Roundups (this is where my daily notes — see link for template — go)
- 12 Feedback (this is where my edit letters, fiction critique obligations, etc go).
- 13 Monthly Roundups (this is where the raw data dumps for monthly spaced repetition / reflection stuff go)
- 20 Personal
- 21 Parenting
- 22 School (mostly papers I wrote in college)
- 23 Teaching (I know JD is all about the “no more than 2 levels deep” but let’s be real, that’s a guideline, not a rule, and I could have a whole JD-style vault for JUST teaching materials, so be gentle)
- global-studies (this is the class I’ve taught most often. I used to have subfolders for every year, but I wound up re-using stuff often enough that I just use the numerical numbering system my curriculum gives to pre-pend filenames and it works fine)
- hiring-materials (resumes, cover letters, particularly showcase-y things, etc)
- psych
- us-gov
- us-history
- 24 Taxes
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 25 Legal (wills, copies of my ID cards, contracts, etc)
- 26 Medical
- 27 House
- 28 Events (Mostly stuff like this Thanksgiving reflection so I can keep track of how much food was useful to have for next year, lol)
- 29 Activism (records of letters I’ve written to congressmen, reference notes for charities I’m involved with, etc)
- 30 Interests
- 31 Programming
- 32 Games
- 33 Gardening
- 34 Writing
- 35 Cooking
- 40 Slipbox (as in Zettelkasten)
- 41 Indexes
- 42 Zettels – atomic notes
- 43 References (yeah yeah yeah it’s three layers deep, but you can surely see why)
- 43.01 Books (literature notes, long but processed, with lots of direct quotations and annotations)
- 43.02 Journals (literature notes but on journal articles)
- 43.03 Discussions (honestly these are mostly raw dumps of conversations from Discord that I want to refer back to later)
- 43.04 Audiovisual (notes on youtube videos and podcasts)
- 43.05 PDFs (this is where I put all of the PDFs I’ve finished reading and annotating)
- 50 Worldbuilding
- 51 Verraine (notes for my epic fantasy universe — could easily be a wiki by itself)
- 52 GeneE (my science fiction universe)
- 53 Neith (my urban fantasy universe)
- 60 Characters
- 61 Character Ideas (this is where I keep useful references like “a list of verbal tics I brainstormed” and "different ways to describe a person’s nose)
- 62 Character References
- b. ATA 100-199 (ATA indicates that these are characters from Verraine who were born during that timeframe. Since I write a lot of flash fiction and characters might appear in multiple stories, it’s easier to keep track of this way).
- b. ATA 200-299 (“ATA” stands for “After the Archivist” aka after the invention of written records)
- b. CE 1900-2099 (I can tell at a glance that this is my urban fantasy universe)
- b. AGA 2250 (AG stands for “After Globalization Achieved”)
- 70 Newsletters
- 70.01 The Iceberg (I write my personal newsletter, The Iceberg in markdown in Obsidian. They’re organized by date. I separate them from my daily&weekly notes by using a 2021.03.21 format instead of dashes or W03 for example, so my navigation searches stay clean). This is also where I mostly use the folgezettel concept, which unlike the folks over at, I do find useful. It helps me keep different marketing or supporting materials sorted next to the relevant mailer.
- 70.02 Obsidian Roundup
- 80 Stories
- 81 Primordial (deleted scenes, scribbled ideas, snatches of a scene, etc)
- 82 Indexes (these are basically the “table of contents” pages for individual novels & universes)
- 83 Longform (novel chapters, mostly)
- 84 Complete (micro & flash fiction mostly)
- 85 Fic Markets (where I summarize what different markets are looking for and any behind the scenes info I know about them, along with useful links)
- 86 Shipped (where I keep stories that are “out of rotation” because they’re out on submission or have been published")
- 90 Articles
- 91 AskHistorians Answers (which I often try to turn into more comprehensive articles down the line)
- 92 WIP
- 93 Nonfic Markets (mostly indexes that leverage dataview and formatting guides. My “seeds” folder has like eleven billion things in it so I really rely on dataview and these index pages to see what I’ve got going on)
- 94 Done