Hide Comment (%%) markers in Live Preview

Things I have tried

Searching the Web and the forum, and looking through the settings.

What I’m trying to do

Most markup tags are hidden in Live Preview, but not those for %%comments%%. Is there a way to hide these as well?

Note that I don’t want to hide the comments themselves; I want them to be visible in Live Preview, but greyed out and without the percents.


hope u know how to load css snippet. this will hide the markdown comment markup except when u have the line active/selected.

/* hide comment markup except for line is selected */
.cm-line:not(.cm-active) .cm-comment.cm-comment-start,
.cm-line:not(.cm-active) .cm-comment.cm-comment-end
    { display: none; }

see this help for loading css snippet. if still unsure just reply back here.


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