Help with Plugin

Things I have tried

paste code from sheet in obsidian into online live editor


    dateFormat  HH-mm
    axisFormat %H:%M
    %% Current Time: 09:45:58
    section Tasks
    Setup for work     :06-30, 180mm
    Review notes from yesterday     :09-30, 60mm
    Create new notes for #35;article review     :10-30, 60mm
    Reading     :12-00, 25mm
    Reading     :12-30, 90mm
    Review notes and update daily note [[Day Planner-20230118]]     :15-00, 45mm
    Walk     :15-45, 45mm
    Reading     :16-30, 50mm
    Prep for tomorrow's meetings     :17-20, 40mm
    END     :18-00, 0mm
    section Breaks
    BREAK     :11-30, 30mm
    BREAK     :12-25, 5mm
    BREAK     :14-00, 60mm

Live Editor:

What I’m trying to do

Change the visual outcome with online mermaid editor but if i paste the code, it gives me an error.

Thx for help!

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