Help me to learn obsidian

So i made a post yesterday. Obsidian second brain vs PPV knowledge management system(Notion)… And i decided to Use both
notion for task project management and obsidian for second brain(vault).

Now i have no idea about obsidian.Also about zettelkasten method (second brain)
I like the idea in vault system. where your take idea notes by reading watching listing
and put into some areas like (deception, business, friend) overtime it’s become huge knowledge vault.
Now in obsidian can i do similar to this or even better method exist?
if yes what is that how to learn that.Also how to learn obsidian any video recommendation similar to this or that method or any youtubers to follow…
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.:heart:

I think you should start using obsidian instead of watching videos. I myself wanted to do everything with obsidian, including task management. I would advise you do the same because using only one app helps you focus on learning everything about it. You can use the task plugin and the reminder plugin for task mangement.

But if you really want some YouTube channels, here are some good ones :

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