Help in querying nested inline fields with Dataview for idea tracking

It’s doable to do this for a structure like yours, and just a little time ago I posted the thread below depicting how you could pick fields from sublists:

Converted to the OP’s case it’ll look something like:

TABLE WITHOUT ID idea, time, status
FROM "Journal/Daily"
WHERE file.lists.idea
FLATTEN file.lists as item

WHERE item.idea
FLATTEN item.idea as idea
FLATTEN default(nonnull(item.children.time)[0], "") as time
FLATTEN default(nonnull(item.children.status)[0], "") as status

WHERE status = "to_explore"
SORT time

I might be a little excessive in limiting the query using both FROM and WHERE file.lists.idea, but in my experience it’s better to limit down the set your working with before doing a somewhat expensive FLATTEN file.lists as item which could explode the row count quite a bit.

After that I do the WHERE item.idea to focus on only the idea bullet item, and then I extract and re-assign the values of the children of that item for later query work.