Steps to reproduce
a line of markdown text ending with<br>
and this is the beginning of a new line.
is rendered as:
a line of markdown text ending with
<-- empty line here!
and this is the beginning of a new line.
only if I keep the scond line on the same line after the <br>second line is rendered correctly
on rendering I get my expected:
only if I keep the scond line at the same line after the
second line is rendered correctly
ah, and also <br/>
doesn’t work at all … only <br>
works, which is also an error(?) I’d think!?
Additional information
I know that obsidian renders its markdown “a little bit different” than other markdown engines.
But having written a lot of markdown in my life (and do copy markdown into obsidian from other sources a lot)
this is kind of one of the only things that really bothers me.
I’d love to have obsidian “eatup/cutoff” RE: <br/?>[[:space]]*\r?\n$
on rendering and replace it with a single \r?\n
, which would get us rid of the empty lines.