GTD with Obsidian: a ready-to-go GTD system with Task Sequencing, Quick-add template, Waiting-on, Someday/Maybe, and more

You also update the groups (enum) at the script

// Define groups for master tasklist page
const Groups = {
  Waiting:  0,
  Priority: 1,
  Normal:   2,
  Someday:  3,
  Computer: 4

Thank @AlanG for great effort. That helps me a lot. I’m struggling for task management on Obsidian.

Based on my daily work, follow GTD method, I think you lack of core concepts like INBOX, REFERENCE, CALENDAR. It would be helpful if you could provide a good approach to them.

Thanks :wink:

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Thanks @AlanG

Is there a way to use a nested tag in the task.js script and include all #work tags without listing all variations? i.e #work/call. #work/meeting, #work/project, etc.

I am getting a lot of duplicated entries. Is there any way to smoothly remove those without restructuring my vault? Think it might be my different other overviews I have created :see_no_evil:

Thanks a lot @AlanG ! I’m currently playing with your system and I like it very much. I’m wondering if it could be possible to consider tasks only those tagged in a certain way as it is in the tasks plugin. Is there a way to “global include” instead of “global exclude”? I think it would be useful for a lot of users that, like me, tag their tasks but also like to use checklists for other purposes. :grinning:

Hi there,
playing with the Task manager. Looks great!

Do you think any latest change on the plugins may have affected the function of the scripts?

These are the thing that do not work:

  • Master Task List only sees the first task in any project
  • Adding manually a task in any line that is not the first, it’s ignored
  • Change of status of any task in existing project does not reflect in the Master Task List
  • Adding a task in a new project will only be seen if it’s the first line item

This is, absolutely, a godsend!!! Exactly what I was looking for!!
Can’t thank you enough!!!

Question: is it possible to include notes within Templates folder that have #projects tag from the master project list? I have multiple project templates and would really appreciate learning how to modify it so that they don’t show up in a Project list.
Thank you so much!!

Many thanks for creating this tool.

However I discovered that Next Actions stopped showing Tasks for me.

This happens when between the #projects denoter and the first task there is no newline or progress bar.

This is a typo - I’d actually would love to EXCLUDE templates folder from project list so that the templates I created for various projects don’t show up.

Found how to do it in a script, thank you, very-very well thought through!!

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Apologies for a rudimentary question. I’m new to obsidian but not new to GTD. I found your take on task management very ‘clean’. My question is how do you add new people to the list of people. I’m assuming you’re going to use a template but I haven’t been successful doing this.
Any help would be appreciated.

I can’t configure the automation process described on obsidian-gtd/00 Documentation/Mobile quick at main · alangrainger/obsidian-gtd · GitHub. I must be missing something. I can enter text in the “add task” window, but this text is not saved to the note. Here are my screenshots

As veteran GTDer I appreciate the simplicity and the automation goodies. I think is an excellent start for the Obsidian-GTD Endeavor, this might be enough for many. I can see the potential by combining this with an embebed PKM system. Thank you for this.


I might use this Vault in the future to centralize everything in obsidian and rid of TODOIST, EN, MS, etc.


This looks awesome, thanks for sharing. I’d like to try this however I use the Tasks plugin with a global filter because I also create many checklists that aren’t tasks. How would I modify the script to only include tasks with an inline tag?


Did you get this to work? I also want to use contexts…

Thank you for this share, I enjoy your setup and with Obsidian git plugin this works like a charm. Also great that u prepared work with notes, which enables me on daily basis

With regards

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Edit this line to only include tasks with your tag:


(make sure to remove the ! at the start, as that means “not” matching).

For reference, this is just plain DataviewJS query - so it’s the same syntax you normally use with Dataview.

I have a Person template which I launch using my Templater Inception template:

It’s already in the GTD vault, and the Person template is also already there:

@Absolut108 I can see from your screenshot you don’t have anything in the Content field on the final screen, so that’s why there’s no content.

You need to add the variable from where you store the value on the previous screen.

Here’s the export of my template which might help: Quick add task to Obsidian - Automate for Android.flo