

You have illegal characters in your filenames or paths (folder names).
List of common restricted characters:

  1. Ampersand (&)
  2. Pipe (|)
  3. Dollar sign ($)
  4. Backtick (```)
  5. Semicolon (;)
  6. Angle brackets (< and >)
  7. Asterisk (*)
  8. Question mark (?)
  9. Square brackets ([ and ])
  10. Curly braces ({ and })
  11. Parentheses (( and ))
  12. Exclamation mark (!)
  13. Colon (:)
  14. Double and single quotes (" and ')
  15. Backslash (\)
  16. Tilde (~)
  17. Caret (^)

I don’t know about the plugin or whether such setting to allow any of these characters would exist…? – I don’t think so…

Anyhow, it’s best to remove these from file and folder names.