I am trying to create meeting minutes protocol which summarizes all decisions made during meeting at the bottom of meeting minute.
Throught the meeting minute I’d like to use #decision to mark a paragraph as a decision.
so here is what I am currently using in my meeting minute:
only TAG: #decision [[@Employee Name 1]] BY TAG will take care of this issue
TAG and FIELD #decision [Decision:: [[@Employee Name 1]] BY TAG AND FIELD will take care of this issue]
Things I have tried
using dataview like this:
table from #decision where file.name = this.file.name
but this only returns a table with one column (file) but does not return the text of decision
I also tried
adding a Field Decision using [decision:: here comes the decision]
then using this dataview to get all decisions:
table without id Decision as "Decisions based on tag" from #decision where Decision AND file.name = this.file.name
I’d rather dont want to add a FIELD and a TAG to the same paragraph. Is there a way to have dataview returning a table to my Tag #decision which includes a link to that specific decision ?
You can build a list if you use tasks and not tags. A task query with Dataview will always include a (hidden) link back to the source of the task.
So I’d suggest that you switch to write bullet points for referencing your meetings, and then when you get to a decision, you switch to a task notation:
- something leading up to a decision
- [!] [[@Employee name 1]] will do this or that
- some more debate
- [ ] #decision [[@Employee name 2]] is in charge of ...
Here I’ve noted two different decisions, where the latter is an open task tagged with #decision for easy retrieval, and the first is using a custom status, [!], to both visually emphasise the task and allow easy retrieval.
Now you could do stuff like:
WHERE status = "!"
OR contains(tags, "#decision")
Which would list these tasks, and by clicking on the task text you get back to the definition of the task.
Also note that dataview either works with the whole page/note as its context, or a list/task. In your case this means that a tag or field outside of a list or task is connected to the note itself, and you don’t know where in that note it can be found.
If using lists or tasks, you can use TASK queries or variants using file.lists to get to the specific list item/task that has your information.