Fully Obsidian after year of fully Logseq--and happy for it

After spending a considerable amount of time contemplating, I asked myself, “How can I transform this note into a cleaner format suitable for publication on my blog or as a GitHub readme file?” Thankfully, I am now grateful to be using Obsidian, where such concerns no longer trouble me.

I’m pleased that I initially chose Logseq because it convinced me of the merits of maintaining a journal for brief, informal notes throughout the day, while reserving “Pages” for more substantial, enduring notes that I may need to reference in various contexts and prefer to have in a dedicated, standalone location.

Although Logseq’s enhanced capability to link to blocks is impressive, it is not a feature that I cannot manage without in Obsidian. The advantage of Obsidian’s closeness to a publish-ready format holds immense value for me.

Both communities are fantastic, and I must admit that I appreciate Logseq’s complete open-source nature. However, at present, I feel like a convert to the world of Obsidian.


Was you able to figure out this issue 110 folders seems to break Obsidian sidebar output/UI??

Yeah, I think that was caused by some of the way Logseq formats special characters in markdown files – this was, I think, breaking the directory listing in Obsidian. I think Logseq has changed the way they handle this and reindexing in Logseq may have solved this for me.