Full Width on Specific Notes

Hi, I would like to change “Readable Line Length” or bypass it, but on specific notes and not the entire vault.
Is it possible?

So from my limited understanding of obsidian and all the customization you can do, this is not any default behaviour that you can change. There might be a plugin, and if not, its a great motivation to start building your own plugin for this.
Happy note taking

With Readable Line Length enabled, you can use CSS snippets to change the readable line length on a per-note basis. These will work for most themes (Minimal requires something slightly different, but they have their own “helper classes” built-in).

Add wide-view (no dot) or full-view in the cssclasses property of the note(s) you want to change. These names and the px value on the wide one can be changed as desired.

.wide-view {
    --file-line-width: 1200px;

.full-view {
    --file-line-width: 100%;

Going to move this to the custom CSS category.

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that’s awesome and fast approach, thanks!

I was trying an approach from this thread but it wasn’t working: link

There are other ways of doing it, but the custom properties/variables are the way to go if they cover enough of what you need to do. ( --file-line-width in this case ).

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