Full calendar not adding caldav. Help understanding error log please

Things I have tried I have verified the caldav server is working using Morgen

What I’m trying to do Connect my Synology Calendar via caldav

Here is the error log i get when i try to add Synology calendar via caldav. The same calendar is working on Morgen

plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:44276 Could not get calendar: There was an error loading a calendar. Check the console for full details. Error: Could not get calendar: There was an error loading a calendar. Check the console for full details.
at eval (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53128:21)
at Generator.next ()
at fulfilled (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53:24)
plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53296 Error importing calendars from https://---------------/caldav/------------
plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53297 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘props’)
at callee$0$0$ (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:33116:40)
at tryCatch (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32580:44)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32695:26)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.Gp. [as next] (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32719:23)
at onFulfilled (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:35295:27)
plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53296 Error importing calendars from https://---------/caldav/-------
plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:53297 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘props’)
at callee$0$0$ (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:33116:40)
at tryCatch (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32580:44)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32695:26)
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.Gp. [as next] (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:32719:23)
at onFulfilled (plugin:obsidian-full-calendar:35295:27)

Ive anonymized the caldav address and i think the first error i might have made a typo

Thanks for helping

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