External links, in footnotes, don’t render correctly in the live preview.
Steps to reproduce
Format your notes ^[[link](https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Format+your+notes)]
Expected result
Something like this:
The md used:
Format your notes ^[[link](https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Format+your+notes)]
Actual result
- Operating system: MacOs
- Debug info:
- Obsidian version: v0.13.14
- Installer version: v0.12.12
- Live preview: on
- Legacy editor: off
Additional information
## Expected formatting
(In reading mode)
Format your notes ^[[link](https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Format+your+notes)]
## Actual formatting
(In live preview)
Format your notes ^[[link](https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Format+your+notes)]