Font used for 'Golden Topaz' theme

Hello, I was wondering which font is used for the Golden Topaz theme.

It looks similar to ebook texts which is spacy between characters and readable.

Thank you so much in advance!

From the themes css file…

  /*font family*/
  --font-family-list:                                                    ;/*列表字体*/
  --font-family-major:                                                   ;/*主体(包括列表)字体,除代码框等少数部分*/
  --font-family-h1:                                                      ;
  --font-family-h2:                                                      ;
  --font-family-h3:                                                      ;
  --font-family-h4:                                                      ;
  --font-family-h5:                                                      ;
  --font-family-h6:                                                      ;
  --font-family-title:                                                   ;/*文件抬头标题*/
  --font-family-folder-file-title:                                       ;/*左侧边栏文件、文件夹字体*/
  --font-family-preview-edit-code:        "Consolas", "Monaco", monospace;
  --text-family-inline-code:              "Consolas", "Monaco", monospace;
  --font-family-tag:                                                     ;
  --font-family-vault:                                                   ;/*左侧库名字体*/
  --font-family-special-tag:       "Lucida Handwriting", "Dancing Script", "Hand of Sean", "Angelina", cursive;
  --font-family-YAML:              "Lucida Handwriting", "Dancing Script", "Hand of Sean", "Angelina", cursive;
  --font-monospace: "Consolas", "Monaco", "Source Code Pro", monospace;

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much!

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