Folder of Tags or Tags of Tags

Hi there, I’m still new to Obsidian and was looking for this feature.

What I basically need is a kind of folder view wherein I can sort the same note into multiple places. E.g. a note should be displayed in folder “Bookreviews” and in folder “Philosophy Bachelor Thesis”. Without creating two notes, I still want to just edit one note.

I’m coming over from “Tagging for Windows” where I can just create tags as a kind of folder structure. Those tags can also be tagged, e.g. the “2019” tag can show up under “taxes” and under “medical”.

It allows me to not decide if a certain note goes in Place A or Place B: When it would fit both it appears in both “folders”, when I tag the file with the respectable Place A and Place B.

@niceToSeeYou I’m currently looking at tagfolder and DataView but I’m a bit overwhelmed. Is what I’m looking for possible with these plugins?

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I’m relatively new to Obsidian and not having this feature is frustrating for me. I looked at TagFolders and DataView but those don’t seem to help. The former helps with tag drilldown, the latter makes it easier to create summaries.

No one naturally tags things with multiple levels because not only because we don’t want to think about the hierarchy at all times but because we often share notes/blogs/messages with other people who have a different hierarchy. If I clip a blog post about Obsidian it is going to be tagged with #obsidian. I might prefer to see it as #software/obsidian while someone else prefers #notes/obsidian but I still expect “#obsidian” to appear in the note or in the front matter.

A low tech approach to this would be to create a note with the tag hierarchy within it as an outline or a yaml code block. While I wouldn’t actually do this because it would be impractical to use and maintain it does suggest that this would be a good place to store the data for a programmed solution. It has a number of benefits.

  • Preserves the idea that your data should be stored in your notes and not an internal database.
  • Makes it easy to edit, even without drag and drop.
  • Specifying a pattern for the hierarchy note name would make it convenient for every user of a shared vault to have their own hierarchy note so they can self-organize the vault content.
  • Provides a simple interface for importing/exporting to other systems.