First time using Dataview and it isn't showing me any data!

I am trying to follow the Dataview tutorial from Obsidian Rocks, mainly to build out my MOCs. But when I do the first basic query in the MOC, nothing happens. That is:

list from [[]] and !outgoing([[]])

So then I tried to go a bit more basic and try to find something from a tag, with the following

FROM #quotes 

And that didn’t turn up anything either. I suspect I am doing something really basic in terms of error, but obviously not sure what. I think that in the note I am creating, having entered that last piece of code, all of my notes with quotes should show up.

I have checked the settings for the plugin and everything is turned on. Any help, much appreciated!

Be sure to have an updated version of Dataview, and possibly check the Developers Tool and the Console pane to see if you get any error messages.

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