Finding unlinked notes within a folder and all of it's subfolders

What’s the best way to find all unlinked notes within a folder and all of that folder’s subfolders?

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I’d also like to know the best workflow for finding unlinked notes.

There is a feature request for this

So it’s easy enough to search for files that don’t have forelinks - they don’t have [[]]. Someone shared the regex for this

To search for files that don’t have backlinks would mean searching your entire vault to make sure there aren’t instances of [[note name]] or whatever link format you are using.

This could be scripted. I couldn’t find anything on the forum, but I guess someone has already created this.

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I can only speak UNIX (sorry for that):
A simple grep-command would do the job here.
It shows all the files (or other info if needed) where a search expression occurs.
(Little bit the same as the ‘isolation’ script I wrote to highlight search terms in my research vaults).
Still figuring out a good use of linked and ‘unlinked’ search terms which gave me another insight on MOC’s (thanks for that Obsidian!).