Find and replace only within YAML frontmatter (regex?)

Things I have tried

Lots of web searching and experimenting with BBEdit

What I’m trying to do

I’m seeking a way to make batch changes within the YAML header. Mostly adding and removing tags. But I wouldn’t want to affect anything outside the header.

I’m thinking this is beyond the power of regex. You need to select the text between the two “—” and then do a find/replace within that selection. It seems like some app would have to drive this–and be able to do it for all files in a folder.

I thought there might be a community plug-in for managing YAML, but found nothing. Is this a weird idea? Seems like a lot of Obsidian users would want some kind of YAML manager.

Or is there a much easier way to do this that I just haven’t figured out. I’m an artist, not a developer. :wink:



You can use the metaedit plugin.
I made a script where it updates the frontmatter and “completes” a habit by adding a “:heavy_check_mark:” emoji. The script takes a completed “true” and “false” argument: it removes this “:heavy_check_mark:” emoji from the frontmatter. I create 2 templater notes so I can tie those to a button from the buttons plugin.

Perhaps my code can help you out for your project:

Frontmatter in my daily note:

  - uhive::

Templater notes

Change Metadata Uhive

<% tp.user.change_metadata(tp,app,"uhive",true) %>

Remove Metadata Uhive

<% tp.user.change_metadata(tp,app,"uhive",false) %>

Templater script file


async function my_function (tp,app,habit,completed) {
    const filetitle = tp.file.title
    const file = tp.file.find_tfile(filetitle) 
    const {update} = app.plugins.plugins["metaedit"].api
    if(completed == true) {
        completed = "✔️"
    } else if (completed == false) {
        completed = " "
    await update("  - "+habit,completed,file)
module.exports = my_function

Optional: button configuration from buttons plugin

Change metadata:

name Uhive
type command
action Templater: Insert Obsidian Vault/Templates/Templater/Metadata/Change Metadata
color blue
class button

Remove metadata:

name Pinterest
type command
action Templater: Insert Obsidian Vault/Templates/Templater/Metadata/Remove Metadata
color blue
class button

Swap button which swaps between both buttons up here

name Uhive
swap [uhive,rmuhive]
color blue
class button

Now you can use button-swapuhive in your daily notes and the button will update + remove the “:heavy_check_mark:” emoji when clicked.

Optional: Display the metadata beneath the inline button we just created in a table

This is a code block for the dataview plugin

table without id as "Day",
habits[0]["uhive:"] as "Uhive"
from #daily and -"Template"
where date = date(2022-03-14)
sort date

Sorry if I went overboard with this, my script goes even deeper than that, but I guess this might already be overwhelming.


Thanks for the generous and comprehensive reply. I’ll check it out…


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It kinda works for my test vault. The problem is that it keeps adding undefined in the yaml after each trigger. So for example this is my yaml after several check and uncheck:

  - uhive:: ✔️

Do you know why is that? I don’t use the button as well as the dv script

That is probably because your “return” is not in your script or is trying to output a variable that is undefined.

To fix this you can add this to the end of your script (js) file:

return ""
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