Filtering multiple internal link names into correct file

Hi, I would like to solve the following, but I don’t have enough knowledge to do so.
In my vault, I have “Project Notes” and “Meeting Notes”.

Inside each “Project Note” I would like to use a dataview filter to display all the “Meeting Notes” where where the “Project Notes” was mentioned/discussed.

What I currently use in the “Project Note”:

where Project = [[]]

Inside a “Meeting Note” I would love to use: “Project:: [[Project Note Name]]” to create a reference to the “Project Note” (see attachment below). The reason is, that this way if I would ever change/update the “Project Note”-name, the internal link would be updated automatically on all files where I used it.

Here is my problem. If I add a second “Project Note” to the “Project::”, it doesn’t show up in the dataview filter of that “Project Note”.

In my example below I had a meeting (“Meeting about Project A and B”) where I discussed “Project A” and “Project B”; So I wrote “Project:: [[Project A]], [[Project B]]”. But this “Meeting Note” does not show up in either note of “Project A” or “Project B”.

How can I solve this?


The main reason is: equal means equal… :slight_smile:

[[Project A]] isn’t equal to [[Project A]], [[Project B]]

In first case you have a single value; in second case you have an array (multiples values).

In these cases you need to use the function contains() - see docs - :

where contains(Project, [[]])


where contains(Project,

@mnvwvnm Thank you very much. This solved my issue.

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