Filter tags by a note's 1st and 2nd degree connections

What do you guys think of the ability to find the most frequently used tags within your notes 1st and/or 2nd degree of networked notes?

How I’m thinking of it:

  • Note of Focus: Lets call it 20209190100 goals give you focus
  • Lets say in connection to that note, we have the following 4:
    1. 20209190101 the power of 'because' in achieving your goals
      • tags: #goal-setting #research #power-of-words
    2. 20209190102 daily affirmations help you maintain your focus
      • tags: #having-focus #power-of-words #habits
    3. 20209190103 goals help you determine priorities
      • tags: #habits #research
    4. 20209190104 achieving goals builds character
      • tags: #habits #build-character

Taking from this example, what this feature effectively does is take the tags from all those 4 notes and presents them to us, as with the tag pane, and ranks them by most populous tag.

#habits ............ [3]
#power-of-words .... [2]
#research .......... [2]
#build-character ... [1]
#goal-setting ...... [1]
#having-focus ...... [1]

How this can transpire? I don’t know. I like the fact we can do this in the graph view and find a note’s immediate network of neighboring notes, but I suppose there could just be similar function there. Any thoughts?

This looks similar to Show tag-connected notes in right sidebar

Thanks for sharing. I couldn’t find a post like that because I was using a different search terms like “tag networks” and such. I even changed my title to try and make it understandable, and even in doing so, I’m not sure if anyone would have known what I was trying to convey.