File order in Obsidian different from Windows File Explorer

Use case or problem

I’m trying to align my Obsidian order with what Windows file explorer uses for the “collation”/sorting using Unicode with the file names. I understand Obsidian uses the collator linked below just as Chromium seems to (not a developer). If I’m correct, the Collator should take my OS settings into account and align Obsidian with my File Explorer.

Intl.Collator - JavaScript | MDN

Here’s the use case:

I want to use other non-ASCII Unicode characters to help organize my vault in a way that works on numerous platforms. I could do that 000, 001 number thing, but that’s sort of the point with this. Emojis are ultimately just numbers in the background (Unicode).

Most platforms use emojis and organize them relatively the same based on locale.

Proposed solution

Are there some parameters missing in the background that would fix this?

  • options or locales?
new Intl.Collator()
new Intl.Collator(locales)
new Intl.Collator(locales, options)

Intl.Collator(locales, options)

Is that emoji in the file name itself? I’ve found that can change the order. If you still want the emoji there while still having the typical alphabetical sorting (which should line up with what Windows has), I use the Iconic plugin. You can add icons/emojis to folders and/or files without affecting the name in Windows File Explorer.