Feature voting

@WhiteNoise’s (Feature voting - #10 by WhiteNoise) and @ryanjamurphy’s response (Feature voting - #7 by ryanjamurphy) pretty much summarized how we feel about this.

To reiterate, the data available on the forum right now is already useful in our prioritization, and I don’t see how an ordered list by exact number of votes would be more helpful. In our opinion, making a product is not simply churning out feature after another based on popularity. It’s way more nuanced than that.

Therefore, maintaining yet another system of voted issue tracker is not something we’ll invest into, on top of our forum and Discord server, both in terms of time and cost (solutions like UserVoice can cost $499/month or more).

Thanks for all the interest in helping Obsidian create a more organized list of feature requests! Really appreciate it.


I totally agree! There will be popular feature requests that do not align with Obsidian’s direction, and when those pile up, it would seem that the voting system is useless (“why haven’t the top 3 voted features been implemented?!”).

Great point, our amazing moderators are already doing that, and in addition to development we also try to spend time looking at the feature requests and merge them as needed.


Good point, reminds me of a post we did for Dynalist, “How to write good feature requests”:

Unfortunately, like with the help docs, few people actually go through the trouble to read it, so our Dynalist forum is still full of feature requests that tell us exactly what to do without explaining their use cases. We had to ask what their use cases are.

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Is that also the case with Obsidian?

I think it’s true in general. At least from the observation that not many people on our Discord read the #faq channel or the help docs before asking.

It’s understandable, and I don’t think we can ever fix the issue of people not reading stuff. Just saying we can post such a guide in the feature request template and also post it on the forum, but I don’t expect having it there would eliminate duplicate requests or make all feature requests conform to it. It’s probably still worth it to customize that post for Obsidian and cross post it here though.


Need to start implementing quizzes haha

I think I saw something where you couldn’t see any channels except the faq and then you had to hit like the emoji things under the faq for each channel to appear.

Bumping this - why not have a Reddit style up/down vote in the Features Request subforum? @moderators This will allow us to rate things.

That’s what the like button does. Please see the detailed discussion in this thread.

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