[Android] Add a camera tool in the toolbar to quickly add images using the phone camera


Awesome idea :bulb:


This would be very helpful for my workflows

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Now I do exactly what @Peanut describes, but, in the field, I’m usually in a hurry (aren’t we all?), so I just take a photo an hope that I remember to add it later to Obsidian.

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It would be nice to be able to add/attach a scanned image directly from the camera, using the Obsidian iOS app.

Currently when you tap the attach icon in obsidian you have the options to:

  • Photo Library
  • Take Photo or Video
  • Choose File

If you choose similar in Apple Notes, you have the following option to Scan also?

It may be that this feature is only available currently to Apple apps?

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I’m pretty sure that’s the case.

Completely different yet somewhat related feature request: Mixed reality Graph View integration


Hmm, I think I omitted the word PDF in my original post, which was merged with this one.
I’m explicitly talking about creating a PDF scan/image from the camera.

This feature exists in iOS. This request here is for Android.

Also my request was for a scan to PDF button, not to JPG.
Please can you re open my request as I don’t think its relevant to the one in this thread.

I think this is critical to have on Android as well, though really on any device with a camera (e.g., the Surface Pro Windows tablets have both front and back cameras). And while they’re at it, allow the user to specify the default name of every attachment on every OS like GitHub - RainCat1998/obsidian-custom-attachment-location: Customize attachment location with variables($filename, $data, etc) like typora. to remove dependence on the plugin as it’s quite simple.

In the meantime, do you guys know of an Android markdown editor that has this function?

  • I’ve tried Markor but it isn’t ideal.
  • I only need to add quick photos to a few notes (kind of visual log notes), so I could add a shortcut to a particular md file on the home screen and launch another editor for this job.

And if anybody has another idea for quickly taking a photo, adding it to a note and typing some observations, I’m sure most of us are interested in your process, please share.

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I’ll auto-reply in case it helps anyone:

I’m using Zettel Notes for this and it does the job quicker and with fewer taps than any other app I’ve tried.

Only drawback: I can’t set it up to save the photos on a single folder of my choosing, it saves them on the same folder as the note. But this feature is on the roadmap.

would be nice to have a camera tool as a core feature for Mobile, right now we can install the community plugin “Obsidian Camera”, that one works nicely.


Really want this feature…

I’m taking notes in a conference and it’s painful flipping between camera and inserting via file system.

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This would be very helpful. Take a picture, add it to a note, in two clicks! YES PLEASE!!!

I tried Zettel Notes and it did not meet my needs.

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Why is it not yet a function of obsidian?


I find it useful on Joplin, which also has a bonus feature: offer to auto-scale the photo down to a lower resolution (to spare space, when you only need to remember what something looks like, not keep a hires picture on disk, esp. when you’re syncing data on some cloud with limited storage).


I would love to see that functionality added to Obsidian’s mobile app. Right now, I take notes that require photos with Google Keep and then import them to Obsidian.

I just foolishly assumed that this feature would be a thing while leaving Evernote ( before the price increase and mostly to have more control over my data ).

I have the Obsidian Camera plugin, but on my device ( Goolge Pixel 5A ) it doesn’t work, but if I take a picture with the camera and click on one of the buttons in the Camera it will let me select from my photos.

More steps than I would like but it’s kinda functional.

I’m guessing there is something difficult in the Android space for this since the hardware for the cameras can all be different and may need some customization per device, so that would make it a lot more difficult to maintain, but that is just a guess.

This OBSIDIAN CAMERA plugin is actually the answer to the question in the post.

This serves the purpose.

But to make it effortless, we need to set some things up… Here is my setup:

  1. Installed the OBSIDIAN CAMERA plugin

  2. Set up the folder to store your snaps in the options of the plugin

  3. As the default obsidian mobile toolbar is not enough, we need to install the COMMANDER plugin

  4. In the mobile toolbar settings, add the OBSIDIAN CAMERA plugin shortcut for the command “Obsidian Camera: Open camera model/file picker”. You won’t find the shortcut in the given list, You need to do this by using the "Add global command " option available at the bottom of the toolbar settings.

  1. In the COMMANDER plugin options assign an appropriate icon for this newly added shortcut for the OBSIDIAN CAMERA plugin command. I use the “aperture” icon.

  1. I also set the “Toolbar row count” to 2 under the COMMANDER plugin options for mobile toolbar. It makes easy to access the shortcuts while in edit mode of a note.

  1. Drag and bring the CAMERA plugin command shortcut at the first position in the mobile toolbar ribbon in the toolbar settings

which appears as follows in the mobile toolbar ribbon

  1. Usage: Now just go to a note where you want to insert the picture or a video from the camera and position you cursor to your desired location. Just click the CAMERA plugin shortcut which brings up the options as follows…

the first is for video and the second one for the photo or image


For all those who are confused of Obsidian Camera’s poorly designed interface, add this snippet:

.modal input[accept="image/*,video/*"]::before {
  content: "\1F4F9";

.modal input[accept="image/*"]::before {
  content: "\1F4F7";

It will show a camera / videocamera icon before its respective button.

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