Faster mobile access?

Every time I switch to obsidian to edit a note, I have to wait 5 seconds while plugins load. ((pixel 6a is plenty fast enough, and the battery saver is turned off for obsidian))

So I use Markor for quick notes because it opens instantly.

However, Markor doesn’t have quick open; just browse for the files, which makes it useless for anything else.

I only need wikilinks support.
Is there anything out there for Android that is fast?

In English, the most challenging thing to learn is collocations. You can say fast food and quick meal, but not fast meal or quick food.

If you enter in the search: quick android, you’ll find several threads on the subject.

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Thanks! Still took a few pages of results but eventually I got to

And zettel notes:

Which is a lot faster than obsidian except… No drag down to quick open; have to use the search function instead

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