What I’m trying to do
Extract the date only from ISO date in templater script to append to new file name.
I created a Templater script to record details about future air travel as properties.
I wanted to create an Obsidian property of type DATE and TIME by default hence the use of date format.
I enter a future ISO date captured via system.prompt . I then want to append the DATE only to title, but when I add data variable to title using tp.file.rename I get an error because the “:” in the Date field, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM PM, causes an invalid file name.
TemplaterError: File name cannot contain any of these characters: \ / :
at Object.eval [as rename]
let adate = await tp.system.prompt(“Arrive date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM PM”)
let ddate = await tp.system.prompt(“Depart date YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM PM”)
titleName = "E- Travel " + ddate
await tp.file.rename(titleName)
tR += “—”
creationDate: <% tp.date.now() %>
ddate: <%* tR += ddate %>
adate: <%* tR += adate %>
title: <%* tR += titleName %>
Things I have tried
I tried adding
let ddater = ddate.setHours(0,0,0,0)
I tried to use .format(“YYYY-MM-DD”)
I can do separate capture of date and time but wanted to solve this,.
Templater docs