"extract this heading" preserves the original heading format and hierarchy

A small QOL improvement.

Use case or problem

When using the “extract this heading” option, the original heading which got extracted, is turned in to an internal link without keeping the heading format and hierarchy.

“## A some random higher heading”
“### B some random heading”
"- some random content

// extraction of B
“## A some random higher heading”
[[B some random heading]]

Proposed solution

The heading syntax should remain.

“## A some random higher heading”
“### B some random heading”
"- some random content

// extraction of B

“## A some random higher heading”
“### [[B some random heading]]”

The most frequent usecase (at least for me) is to outsource content from the document, either because it’s to deep in the headings hierarchy, or it is also part of a different hierarchy and therefore a seperate note is needed.

In both cases, it’s helpful if the hierarchy of the heading remains in the original file.

A similar feature concerning the new created note is already requested: "extract this heading" should not include the heading in the new file - #5 by FriSti

I see the “extract heading” feature as integral in the note taking process, where biger concepts/notes get broken down in to smaller notes over time.
Because of the daily use, manual edditing headings in the original and new files creates some friction and when thinking and writing, less friction is always appreciated. :slight_smile:
But maybe it’s just me ?

Current workaround (optional)

Manually editing headings.