Expose Mathjax configuration file

I’d like to use TeX macros in mathjax expression, defining them once for all in the mathjax configuration file. Is it possible to expose the mathjax configuration file in Obsidian installation folder or let us edit it throught Settings panel?


Seconding this! Would be great to be able to define custom commands.

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Hi! Is there any news about this feature? or any workaroud?

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This could also be interesting in order to be able to change other relevant parameters, for instance to customize the math delimiter. (In fact, in LaTeX \( \) is nowadays considered preferrable over the $ toggle which appears to be the default in obsidian)


This could also be interesting in order to be able to change other relevant parameters, for instance to customize the math delimiter.

In this case math delimiters belong to the Markdown syntax. MathJax processing takes place after the Markdown source is parsed and converted to HTML.

In fact, in LaTeX \( \) is nowadays considered preferrable over the $ toggle

While you are right here about LaTeX use case, for Markdown a drawback is that it would preclude escaping ( and [ as part of Markdown syntax (and using double backslash syntax \\(...\\) would just look awkward).

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@saf-dmitry: I see—that makes sense, thanks for the clarification. My hope would have been to allow a (partial) copy-paste interoperability with LaTeX documents using the \( ... \) delimiters, but breaking Markdown syntax to this end is probably not a good idea. In any case, I guess the math delimiter discussion probably does not belong to this thread then.