Export to PDF breaks URL links

Steps to reproduce

Create a note with a formatted (this style []()) link
Export note to PDF
Open PDF
Click link

Expected result

The link opens properly

Actual result

a (#) in the url got replaced/encoded with (%23), making the site return a 404


  • Operating system: Mac
  • Obsidian version: 0.10.6


I looked through open bugs and did not see anything related though I may have missed something. Thanks in advance.

can you share a practical example?

It is generally correct to replace # to %23 so I am no sure we are donig anything wrong here

Sure! The link i was working with https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/flowchart?id=flowcharts-basic-syntax breaks with the replacement

ok, it’s fragment navigation. WE’ll look into it.

Any update on this issue?

The screenshot below is of a PDF created from an Obsidian note, and it shows the URL with the hashtag included. The link works as it should. Doesn’t work on your install?

pdf hashtag in url obsidian

Gotcha; thanks. Yes, working now.

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